Vitoria Stone Fair 2021 in Brazil is canceled

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In order to ensure the health and well-being of all those directly and indirectly involved with the event, such as exhibitors, sponsors, visitors and suppliers, we announce the decision to cancel Vitoria Stone Fair 2021, confirming the next edition of the fair for the period of February 15 to 18, 2022.

Vitoria Stone Fair is one of the most important moments of the year for the natural stone market, worldwide. In Brazil, the most traditional fair; a tool that brings the whole world closer to the variety and beauty of our materials. In Espírito Santo, an event that impacts far beyond our own market, being an extremely important event for the local economy, through all the services and sectors it impacts.

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Despite the flexibilization of social distancing and the new protocols and rules for holding events, we understand that the greatness and importance of Vitoria Stone Fair demand the delivery of a fair where we can feel 100% safe – to talk, interact, participate in meetings, close deals and celebrate the beauty and exuberance of natural materials. Unfortunately, due to the present circumstances, we believe that february 2021 is too soon to guarantee the holding of such a large event.

We are still going through an adaptation period, creating alternatives and finding ways within the ‘new normal’. In the last few months, while science has been trying to find a solution to the pandemic, we, like thousands of other professionals and companies, have been working non-stop for the natural stone industry, developing new projects and ways of supplying the temporary suspension of fairs!

In the midst of adversity, the Stone Summit project emerged, an initiative that works connecting opportunities through the generation of valuable content, digital meetings and market intelligence! At the same time, we’re watching the sector’s awakening to a new reality, where union, exchange of knowledge and enhancement of partnerships are key to continue growing, prospering and building an even brighter future for the brazilian natural stone market.

For 2021, we already have a meeting date at Cachoeiro Stone Fair, from August 24th to 27th. But, in addition to the fairs, we will continue to work to offer solutions and projects that contribute to the recovery of commercial, human and social relations. For the next year, we will work on new strategies to promote business, acting as a boosting platform for the brazilian natural stone industry. Stay connected with us on social media and other communication channels to be always up to date with the news!

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