2019 First Half Marble Export Growth of Italy

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The 2008 financial crisis was the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression. Almost every aspect of global economy was affected or had to suffer severe damages. Natural stone market was the exception. Since 2008 when the crisis began, the global natural stone market has shown significant increase in value and quantity numbers, both in blocks and slabs trade as well as in finished products, a fact that was even more obvious for the top players. The first half of 2019, however, had several fluctuations, especially depending on the country studied.

Italy is one of the top exporters of marble in the world, following a generally upward trend during the last decade. How has Italy’s growth changed during the first half of 2019 comparing to the corresponding 2018 first half both in marble blocks and slabs and finished marble products exports?

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The year started with an increase in marble blocks and slabs exports value but not in quantity of exports,comparing to last year’s January. February, on the other hand, concluded with a decrease of -18.82% than 2018. March, April and May showed slight increase, while June ended with the minimal -0.93% decline in marble blocks and slabs exports. Quantity of marble blocks and slabs exports had fluctuations, but the general trend was downwards.

As for finished marble products exports of Italy during the first half of 2019, here was a generally downward trend, as only January and April showed slight increase than last year’s corresponding months. The greatest fall was recorded in June (-22.45%). Quantity of Italy’s finished marble products exports had an overall decline when compared with 2018 first half. 

It is worth mentioning that during the first half of 2019, Italy managed to export marble blocks and slabs of 194.63 million euros worth as well as finished marble products of 598.79 million euros.

*Due to consistent data flow, statistics may alter during the year

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